In Times of Uncertainty

The epidemic began March of 2020. Shortages swept the nation and panic was rampant. Furthermore, in the month of February 2021, the state of Texas and many others in the nation were catastrophically affected by a winter ice storm. Danger was closer than someone’s doorstep, as pipes were bursting all over cities and counties, creating unlivable climate conditions in areas we’d never seen. It seemed like this nation and the world around us was never catching a break. The year of 2021 carried on with destructive hurricanes in early September bringing us hurricane “Ida“ and “Nicholas“, having our fellow Americans reliving the past of hurricane Katrina. A multitude of families found themselves in fatal living conditions all over again.

This continues to reinforce that even with a persistent pandemic at hand and the addition of catastrophic weather conditions, we are to remain open. America was and still is demanding a lot of commercial and housing necessities. JMI will always be ready to proudly serve our impacted communities during challenging times.



Protecting Our Employees and Clients

We Remain Open
JMI falls under approximately 2 sectors included as part of the Critical Infrastructure Sector as defined by the US Department of Homeland Security which can be found here. We currently do not expect any disruptions to our construction schedules or to our ability to service any arising needs. We will continue to be available and responsive to the vital industries in which we serve.

Protecting Our Employees and Clients
As details continue to evolve, we carry on following the guidelines and procedures outlined by the CDC, WHO, and regulatory agencies. We will support taking additional efforts to maintain the health and safety of our JMI family and clients.

  • On Site, the current Guidelines in force are reviewed weekly at the day’s kick-off meeting.

  • All Physical contact with the Residents on Property along with the site management will be avoided.

  • All communication with our staff and property management representatives will be by phone or email unless the situation requires otherwise.

  • Social Distancing is encouraged while workers are on site. As the majority of their time will be outside, the chance for anything that may cause the spread of the virus should be very slim.

  • Supplies, as they are available, of protective gloves, hand sanitizer, and masks will be provided and used when and where needed.

  • We are considering, when feasible and possible, the testing and monitoring of all site workers and management during their time with the project and for the duration of the project. 

Management will continue to monitor the situation and take the proper precautions. We will get through this crisis systematically and collectively. If you need assistance please call your local office.